Sanghamitra Sau Sengupta, Founder, CEO & Head Psychologist of Sri Healthcare-Research International (SHRI) was invited by the Department of Chemical Engineering, Calcutta University to give a Speech in their Online Event in the Fresher Course for the Faculties and other guests.
Sanghamitra Ma’am spoke of the Transformation towards Sustainable Development. This was in accordance to 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as postulated by the United Nations, which are:
SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
It was so well received that on request of the participants another session was arranged for.
In both sessions, the discussions were regarding the mental patterns we experience, the way we respond and react to situations and contexts based on past experiences and negative conditioning. In the session, the changes after the Pandemic especially among adolescents and young adults was discussed and how we as the teachers and parents can guide, support and help them. This would in turn ensure moving towards Sustainable Humanity and Sustainabe Development where the students will be able to utilize their optimal potential and have independent and interdependence in their work and relationships.
In the sessions, Mindfulness was also conducted.
Towards the end of the session, it was observed that many were able to relate it to their own situations and life, and also wanting to work and seek guidance for the Overall health and Well-Being of not just themselves, but others they knew of. Thus, an increase in the awareness and empathy was observed by the end of the sessions.
Some of the feedbacks received were:
“The Event was well. A major takeaway for me was ‘Responsibility’ ”
“It’s a motivation for life, a refreshing breath. That’s the newest touched that I felt by the empathy of Doctors voice even at cloud meeting. A major takeaway from the sessions was that Don’t judge just live & love as you are. Thanks”