On the 75th year of Independence to India, SHRI celebrated and gave its humble gratitude and prayers to all our great freedom fighters, soldiers and their families who work hard to keeping Mother India and the Mother Planet safe, secure and free.
We at SHRI also discussed the need for us to be aware and work towards interdependence through independence in our various dimensions of Self as well by observing Mind, Body, Self and Spirituality to be unique and independent dimensions of our Being, and also the interdependence among them to allow us to function and be as a holistic, dynamic Being.
In our journey of Independence, this year in the times of COVID-19, we can choose to transform and move ahead from our comfort zones so as shift from dependence towards empowerment, which is true independence, whenever our Life journey and the Universe provides us with the opportunity.
True independence can be attained when we choose to shift from the fear, we experience due to our environment and external factors, to hope and utilize out inner resources.
These inner resources our the Gifted biochemicals we have, the integrative functioning of our creative, spiritual, emotional, social and cognitive intelligence and our consciousness.
Creativity along with other forms of intelligence allows us the freedom and independence to build a new creation and feel energized, and joy of the independence in operating and choose our independent free will.